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Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers or NVOCCs play an important role in international trade, supporting businesses in smooth, efficient, and affordable cargo transportation. If you’re a business owner looking for a reliable NVOCC Service Provider in Cochin, you need to be aware of the best practices in choosing one. Partnering with the right NVOCC service provider is essential to the well-being and success of your business. 

This blog will guide you through the best practices for selecting an NVOCC service provider in Cochin, supported by relevant statistics to highlight the significance of this port city.

The Importance of the Cochin Port

One of India’s largest and busiest ports, the Cochin Port has a strategic location on the Arabian Sea. During the financial year 2023-24, the port registered a record cargo traffic of 36.32 million metric tonnes, the handled cargo including liquid bulk, containers, dry bulk, and break bulk. The port also widened its cargo profile by handling 1,33, 534 MTs of LPG in the last financial year. As a major maritime gateway on the southwestern coast of India, the Cochin Port offers businesses a versatile cargo profile, reflecting its importance in international trade. The port’s container terminal, the International Container Transshipment Terminal (ICTT) at Vallarpadam, plays a vital role in the transshipment of containers in the region.

Things to Consider when Choosing an NVOCC Service Provider in Cochin 

1. Assess the Provider’s Network and Reach

One of the most important traits of a good NVOCC service provider is a well-established network that covers major global trade routes and ports. The ICTT in Cochin serves as a key transshipment hub, and a well-connected NVOCC can benefit from this and efficiently handle the movement of your cargo, to and from the port. When you’re looking for an NVOCC service provider in Cochin, check for their coverage and their relationships with shipping lines to ensure seamless transportation.

2. Evaluate Experience and Expertise

Every business is unique and the cargo will have unique handling requirements. Your NVOCC service provider in Kerala should have a proven track record in handling cargo similar to yours and meet your specific shipping requirements. 

You will also need assistance with navigating customs and local regulations, as well as documentation. An experienced NVOCC service provider will help you manage these complexities with ease. So, remember to assess their experience and expertise vis-a-vis your singular needs. 

Read our blog: How You Can Benefit from Using an NVOCC Company

3. Analyze Technological Capabilities

Technology is that vital peg that must efficiently fit into the shipping and logistics puzzle. It’s non-negotiable that your chosen NVOCC service provider in Cochin leverages advanced technology for tracking and managing shipments. You get better control over your cargo movements when your provider guarantees real-time tracking systems, automated documentation, and online customer portals. Remember to ask and confirm these technological capabilities. 

4. Check Customer Service and Support

Another essential quality of an NVOCC service provider is effective communication and support. Look for reviews from their existing customers on prompt responses to queries, proactive updates on shipment status, a dedicated customer support team, resolvement of issues, a hassle-free shipping process, etc. These are important qualities that have an impact on your experience. Before you take a call on your NVOCC service provider in Cochin, assess these capabilities. 

5. Consider Cost and Value-Added Services

The lowest cost is not always the best deal. Find an NVOCC service provider who has a transparent pricing structure and offers value-added services. The latter can be in the form of customs brokerage, warehousing, or insurance; but it will add significant value to your logistics operations. Settle on a comprehensive service package that provides more value, in addition to the guarantee of dependability. 

6. Seek Recommendations

It’s always advisable to speak with industry experts and peers to get valuable insights into the 

reliability and performance of an NVOCC service provider. Testimonials and case studies will give you a good idea of the service provider’s strengths. Gather as many recommendations as possible and interact with them, asking questions and getting clarification, as required, till you find the perfect fit. 

Livro Shipping – World-Class NVOCC Logistics and Shipping Services in Cochin

Livro Shipping is a reputed NVOCC service provider in Cochin, Kerala. We have the expertise, experience, network, technical prowess, and so much more to ensure that your shipping and logistics needs are met, reliably and comfortably. 

The guidelines we’ve laid out for you will help you make an informed decision. Implementing these best practices will help you navigate the complexities of global shipping and enhance your supply chain operations.

Rest assured we tick all the right boxes, and leverage Cochin Port’s strategic role in international trade to offer our clients the most trusted and professional NVOCC services. 

Cochin’s thriving port activities make it imperative for businesses to partner with a proficient NVOCC service provider. By following these best practices, you can optimize your logistics operations and contribute to the continued growth of trade through Cochin Port.

Drop us a comment if you’d like to learn more about our NVOCC services in Cochin. 

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