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Businesses nowadays exist and thrive in a lightning-fast, borderless marketplace. Logistics play a crucial role in the success of many businesses. A reliable freight service provider can enhance your business reputation and revenue by empowering you to deliver value to your customers over and above the quality of your products. 

Air freight forwarding services, in particular, act as a robust catalyst in improving the value of products. Despite the increase in global prices, air freight forwarding has witnessed immense growth. The international air cargo traffic is expected to carry over 230.5 million tons by 2037. As airports and air cargo technologies undergo massive enhancements, these numbers are expected to double or triple in the coming years. 

There are numerous options for air freight forwarding service providers; however, it’s critical to choose the one that, besides expediating shipping for your business, understands the unique needs of your cargo and customers, and delivers goods to their destinations securely. This is just the tip of the iceberg – there are several other aspects that you must consider before choosing the right air freight forwarding company. At Livro, we’ve put together a list of essentials you must look for. Let’s go!

  1. Assess your needs – Before you begin researching and looking for air freight forwarding companies, make sure you have done your homework. Analyzing your company’s transportation requirements and additional logistics needs, destinations and volumes of shipping, budget, plans for the future, etc. are some points to consider. 
  1. Reputation and reliability – Look for an air freight forwarding service with a good industry reputation and reliability. Examine their track record for qualities like on-time deliveries, secure handling of goods, and positive customer reviews. Check if the service provider has the necessary certifications, such as IATA (International Air Transport Association) accreditation, customs brokerage license, etc., which ensure compliance with international standards and regulations. You should also look for licenses/capabilities specific to carrying goods of your industry. 
  1. Global network and destinations – The service provider you’re considering must have a global network and reach that matches your needs. A well-established network ensures your cargo can be transported seamlessly to various destinations worldwide. Consider the destinations covered by the service and whether they align with your business’s distribution needs.

Read our blog: Livro Shipping: Your Ideal Freight Forwarding and Logistics Company in Dubai

  1. A wide array of services – If your business needs multi-modal transport or additional services like warehousing, you’ll need a freight forwarding company that can offer more than air transport services. Discuss your supply chain needs with the providers you’re considering to associate with so that you get an insight into their array of services. Ensure that you choose someone who is willing to and is capable of scaling their offerings based on your expanding requirements. 
  1. Customs clearance expertise – Global shipping involves navigating a complex web of customs regulations. Expertise in customs clearance procedures is an added advantage, which ensures your air cargo needs are met seamlessly. A service provider with a deep understanding of global customs regulations can help you avoid delays and ensure smooth passage of your goods through customs.
  1. Technology prowess – Customers always wish to know where their package is; then why shouldn’t you? Your air freight forwarding service providers must use technologically advanced systems to ensure you get essential visibility into your cargo. This includes real-time tracking of your shipment, quick onboarding and offboarding of your cargo, speedy paperwork through digitalization, and so on. This transparency not only enhances the overall customer experience but also allows you to manage your supply chain proactively.
  2. Competitive pricing and cost transparency – Cost is naturally a significant factor when it comes to logistics; however, consider the overall value provided by the air freight forwarding service. The company should be transparent with pricing and list all associated costs in detail. Discuss if there are any additional costs; hidden charges may impact your budget unexpectedly. Additionally, compare quotes from different providers to ensure competitive pricing.
  3. Customer service and communication – Effective communication is key to a successful shipping experience. Your chosen air freight forwarding service should prioritize customer service and maintain clear lines of communication. A responsive and knowledgeable customer support team can address concerns, provide updates, and offer solutions in case of unforeseen challenges.

Selecting the right air freight forwarding service is a strategic decision that can significantly impact the efficiency of your supply chain. Take the time to research and partner with a reliable air freight forwarding service that aligns with your business goals, and ensures your goods reach their destination swiftly and securely.

Livro Shipping offers reliable air freight forwarding services and provides tailored solutions to meet your varying needs. 

Contact us to learn more. 

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